FradleyandteamThis spring Matthew Ward (Second Year, Law) and I competed as part of the Oxford team in the International Monroe E. Price Media Law Moot Court Competition in Oxford.

CollierThe Brasesnose PPE (Philosophy, Politics and Economics) Society was set up in 2016 by us, (Vivek Gupta and Will Feerick) two second year PPE-ists. The aim of the society is to invite interesting speakers to come and talk to students on topics related to one of the three subjects.

Les Mil poster 2If you’d told me a year ago that there was going to be a performance of the musical ‘Les Milibandles’, I would have made some very sarcastic noises of disbelief.

AleVerse2016On the 9th February, Brasenose College came together to celebrate Shrove Tuesday, the last day before lent, through the traditional Ale Verses.

ElspethAward.jpgFollowing news of her Mildred Dresselhaus Guest Professorship award, Professor Elspeth Garman was presented with her certificate at a ceremony at the Hamburg Centre for Ultrafast Imaging, in Germany last month.

Burns Night 2014On the 30th of January Brasenose College came together for Burns Night, a night where we celebrate the life and works of the quintessential scot, the man who puts Nicola Sturgeon to shame, the immortal Robert Burns.

forbesBrasenose College was well represented in the 2016 EU Forbes 30 Under 30, with not one but two alumni named among the list of Europe’s best and brightest under the age of 30 in the Science & Healthcare and Finance categories.


WP 003678Are you thinking of applying to Oxford University and would like to have a look round a College during the February half-term week?

This term we embarked on a new initiative: The Library and Archives “In Conversation” Series, where a student or former student quizzes an “expert” in front of an audience. Discovering Traherne

chinesesEvery year, during the second term, there are a number of special dinners held in college. These include Ale Verses, Burns Night, Chinese New Year and many more.

The Oxford Seminar for the Caucasus and Central Asia (TOSCCA) has recently launched its brand new weekly meeting, which is being hosted at Brasenose.Thomas Wilde1

BopcostumesBrasenose is a warm, welcoming community, and undisputedly the happiest college in Oxford. However, the Oxford lifestyle can be stressful and intense at times. It wouldn’t be sustainable if we didn’t take the time to relax and enjoy ourselves.










PaterEvel 2In November 2015, Brasenose’s Pater Society held its first meeting of the academic year, playing host to a fascinating talk from successful commercial author Chris Manby.

Brain imageOver the last few terms I have been working on my final year research project as part of my degree in Experimental Psychology. Finally, after having spent my first two years reading about the exciting research that goes on in the department, I was going to be able to become an active part of that research myself.

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