For those wishing to stay overnight in College, please refer to this page, where you can view accommodation availability and make a room booking. Please note there is very limited availability during term time.
If there are no dates showing, it is likely the dates for the end of term have not been updated yet. If this is the case, we would suggest looking on the website nearer the time.
Single or twin ensuite rooms are offered, all rooms include free Wi-Fi, toiletries, linen, towels and tea and coffee making facilities. Access for those with mobility problems is restricted due to the age of the buildings but please state any special requirements when booking, and we will endeavour to meet these.
If you have any further questions about booking a room, please feel free to email the Development Office at
As an alternative when rooms are not available at Brasenose, it is possible to book accommodation in other colleges through the University Rooms website.