philandkateThe next undergraduate Open Days at Brasenose College will be Wednesday and Thursday 28th and 29th June. The College will be open from 9am to 5pm, and there’s no need to book, just turn up if you are interested in applying to Oxford for undergraduate study.

Released on Friday 16 June, the Queen’s Birthday Honours List recognises the achievements of extraordinary people from across the UK. Among the recipients are four alumnae of Brasenose College who have been of service to the country in a diverse range of fields.OBE Civilian grande

Our series of interviews with our academic staff continues as we spoke to BNC’s Senior Kurti Fellow, Professor of Particle Physics Daniela Bortoletto, on her big experiments to find ultra-small particles.Julia Diamantis 18388

jennaJenna Hebert is a first year MSc (Res) Psychiatry Rhodes Scholar at Brasenose College, and this year represented Oxford at the Cancer Research UK Boat Races in the Stroke seat of the women’s Blue Boat. She originally hails from and was educated in the United States.

Brasenose College Honorary Fellows 11 03 17 15Last term, Brasenose College recognised two Old Members, Professor Michael Kosterlitz (1966) and Mr Mohamed Amersi (2014), by electing them to the prestigious rank of Honorary Fellow. 

EducationSympLast month Brasenose held a Symposium on Child Learning and Raising Attainment, to mark the arrival of two new Tutors in Education, Professors Sonali Nag and Charles Hulme.

Ball2017One evening in May, every other year, Brasenose’s quads are magically transformed as the biennial College Ball arrives. This year was no different, as on Saturday 6th May we explored the delights of Odyssey: A Journey into the Unknown.

Chris McKennaFor the first installment of our series of interviews with the Tutors of Brasenose College, Professor Chris McKenna, Fellow in Management Studies and Reader in Business History and Strategy at SaÏd Business School, sat down with Richard Lofthouse, editor of Oxford Today, to share thoughts from his forthcoming history of white-collar crime.

AleVersesEvery year, on Shrove Tuesday, Brasenose College’s staff and students gather to celebrate a unique tradition: Ale Verses.

philosophy people kraut richard 168x210Professor Richard Kraut will give the 9th John Ackrill Memorial Lecture at 5.00 pm on Thursday, 9 March, in Brasenose College, Lecture Room XI.

MannishEveryone knows that at Oxford academic work can be a challenge. To help deal with this, sometimes we need to put down our pens, close our laptops, and leave the library.

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