Congratulations to Ian Kiaer, tutor in Fine Art at Brasenose College, who is presenting his first solo museum exhibition in Paris, at the Musée d’Art Moderne.
Student Blog: My First Term at Brasenose
As I look back on my first term at Brasenose, I can’t believe freshers’ week was only a few months ago. It feels like I’ve been at Brasenose forever, but in the best possible way – it’s amazing how quickly college began to feel like home.
Student Blog: What I Have
Nearing the end of our autumn term, as things around College began to slow down, I noticed an increase in activity in our college Buy/Sell group Brasenose What I Have.
Student Blog: Oxmas at Brasenose 2017
It’s Sunday 10th December and I’ve just sat down on the sofa having put up the family Christmas tree. At the age of 21 the festive season seems to have lost some of the magic it once held for me, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t get excited when I start to hear the Christmas classics on the radio. Today’s unusual blanketing of snow also helped to somewhat reignite the spark.
Student Blog: Brasenose Goes to Greece
After leaving for the airport at 2.45am, the five of us emerged from the plane at Athens airport rubbing the sleep from our eyes, and heartily prepared to take a nap as soon as we arrived at our accommodation.
Student Blog: Maan trusts his guts
The Oxford open day I attended was quite a blur. It was my first time in Oxford and wherever I walked I was given brochures, pens and was told how great each college was. I don’t really remember which colleges I walked around in. All colleges melted into one. All except Brasenose.
Meet the Tutors: English
Olivia Gordon from Oxford Today spoke to Simon Palfrey, BNC’s Professor of English Literature, on his imaginative reinvention of literary criticis
Student Blog: Brasenose Smiles
I think it’s impossible for someone to mention Brasenose or Oxford without my breaking into a smile.
Applying to Brasenose this Autumn?
Thinking of Applying to Brasenose? Here's some thoughts and stats to help you decide.
Student Blog: Summer Fun at Brasenose
Brasenose, like most colleges, has a student committee member (or two) in charge of organising fun college events for students to enjoy when they are not studying. These students are called Entz (entertainment) reps and this year they are Joey Fisher (2nd year Biochem) and Maria Ryan (2nd year Chemistry).
Meet the Tutors: Psychology
The latest in our series interviews with academic staff sees us speak to Dr Geoff Bird, Professor of Experimental Psychology at Brasenose.
Student Blog: Three Years at Brasenose
This summer I completed my final year exams in Law. Summing up three years at Brasenose is pretty difficult; Brasenose has been my home for what feels like a lifetime.
Student Blog: Being Welsh at Brasenose
My first year at Oxford was amazing. I have so many great memories and I’ve made so many new friends (unsurprisingly as I’m at Brasenose – the friendliest college).
Student Blog: Beth on Brasenose
Last month I finished my final year exams and in just a few short days I will be leaving Oxford and Brasenose. It seems to have gone by so quickly, yet I’ve experienced so much here at Oxford.
Student Blog: Summing up Maths at Brasenose
How to sum up my time at Brasenose? After 4 years at Oxford, countless lectures and tutorials, and a whole array of academic and social experiences, this is no easy task!
Spotlight on Welfare: Gillian Hamnett
Gillian Hamnett is Oxford’s University’s Director of Student Welfare and Support. She took up her appointment in April 2017 and, at the same time, Brasenose was delighted to elect Gillian to a College Fellowship.
Brasenose Students Excel in Final Exams
Brasenose College is delighted to announce exceptional results in this summer’s finals examinations. Of the 95 students set to graduate in July, 18 women and 20 men achieved first-class degrees, while a further 56 obtained a 2:1 (upper-second).
Student Blog: Brasenose does Coachella
On a uniquely sunny day in the middle of May, Brasenose hosted Frewchella, the first music festival the college has ever seen.
Student Blog: Megan's Memories
On the 22nd of June I handed in my keys to Brasenose College porter’s lodge for the last time.
Open Days 2017 - Come and Visit!
The next undergraduate Open Days at Brasenose College will be Wednesday and Thursday 28th and 29th June. The College will be open from 9am to 5pm, and there’s no need to book, just turn up if you are interested in applying to Oxford for undergraduate study.
Read the Prospectus
Visit the Brasenose Prospectus page
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