Principal's Conversation with Hannah Cusworth and Zaiba Patel

Generously supported by Robert & Lynne Krainer


“What do we stand to gain from more inclusive history teaching?”

  • Hannah Cusworth Frankland Visitor 2022, BNC alumna, PhD Researcher with English Heritage, and former secondary school Head of History.
  • Zaiba Patel BNC alumna, secondary school History teacher and, from 2022/23, PhD Researcher at the University’s Department of Education, working with the Empire, Migration and Belonging research project group.


Wednesday 4th May 5.30pm - Amersi Foundation Lecture Room

This Principal’s Conversation is part of Hannah Cusworth’s week as Frankland Visitor at BNC, which will include an Ashmole Society event, a session with Economics and Management students, a JCR informal discussion on diversifying the curriculum, and a Diversity Dinner.  Hannah is a researcher and history education consultant.  Her career has included posts at Teach First, Goldman Sachs, teaching in secondary schools and advising on diversifying the curriculum.  She is now a PhD researcher with English Heritage, studying the history of mahogany.  Zaiba Patel is a History teacher at a large, diverse state secondary school in Oxford, where she has sought to make her curriculum diverse and meaningful for students.  She completed her Master’s in Learning and Teaching at Brasenose. Her work focuses on race and belonging in the history curriculum.


Recorded on: Wednesday 4 May 2022 at 5.30pm



Watch a recording by clicking here

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