Honorary Fellow Professor Brian Judd

We received the sad news this week that our Honorary Fellow Professor Brian Judd (Physics, 1949) passed away on 8 April 2023. We offer sincere condolences to his family and friends on behalf of the Brasenose community.

Professor Judd was also a Professor Emeritus in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, and a Fellow of the American Physical Society.

In a distinguished academic career, he will be particularly remembered for his paper “Optical Absorption Intensities of Rare-Earth Ions”, which was published in 1962 on the same day as a similar work by George Ofelt. The two papers together became known as the groundbreaking Judd–Ofelt theory, which has been much cited in the development of many modern communication technologies, including fibre optics and miniaturised electronic components.


Dr Brian Judd
















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